Boychuk, 17a.
Price: 105 000 USD
Sale 1-room apartment vul. Boychuk, 17a. Section 7. House of commissioning. On top of the 5/11 club booth, the elite class. Area 60 m2. Apartment with a panoramic rounded wall in the kitchen and bedrooms. Vіkna - on pіvnіchny shіd.Stela - 3m. Stele - 3, 2 m. Vlasna gas boiler house in a booth. Elite residential complex with stained glass windows and open terraces. At the inner courtyard - a park with landscape design, a closed area for the passage of cars. The entrance groups and the vast expanse are decorated with marmur and Venetian plaster. Order: business centers, shops, restaurants and bars, likarni, pharmacies, "Silpo", "Velika Kyshenya". 10 children's gardens per choice. 1 hvilina pishki - fitness club and gym. Not far from the badminton club